Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

30139 - Law

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
30139 - Law
Faculty / School:
179 - Centro Universitario de la Defensa - Zaragoza
457 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
563 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering
457 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering: 3
457 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering: 4
563 - Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organisational Engineering: 4
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

1. The presentation of the contents of the subject in lectures by teachers.

2. The development of discussions regarding the subject will be encouraged. Student participation will be considered.

3. To allow "materialize" the subject, international or domestic news will be mentioned. The student shall state news relevant to the subject.

4. The personal study of the subject by students.

5. The student will have to work regularly to gaining the skills necessary for a proper understanding of the subject. The teachers will ask students to briefly expose the previous session.

6. The student may request tutoring personalized attention. the lesson will not be repeated. The student will have to study previously, except where excused absence the student to the session. Tutoring sessions will be requested at least 48 hours in advance. Office hours will be posted on the Virtual Classroom and tutoring sessions will be held in the office of teacher (CUD 2. Ground floor. Central Hall).

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities:

  • Teachers publish the program of activities through the Moodle2 platform. The virtual classroom is available authenticate with your username and password in the direction
  • In addition to the mandatory practices, constructive participation in class will be scored and may ask the student. When circumstances permit, the development of a short work on the national or international news, if they have a special relevance to the subject. It must be exposed orally in class.

5.3. Syllabus

Contents of the course:


Lesson 1: Approach the concept of law (I): What is the law?

Lesson 2: Approach the concept of law (II).

Lesson 3: Sources of law.

Lesson 4: The pluralistic legal system: The State of Autonomous.

Lesson 5: The application of the law.



Lesson 6: The Spanish Constitutional History: from 1812 to 1978.

Lesson 7: The Constitution of 1978 and the configuration of the Spanish State.

Lesson 8: The Crown and Parliament.

Lesson 9: The Government and the Administration.

Lesson 10: The Role of the Armed Forces in Spain.

Lesson 11: Rights and Duties Article 30 of the Constitution and special reference to the Armed Forces.



Lesson 12: International Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC): Overview.

Lesson 13: The use of force at the international level: development and collective security system.

Lesson 14: The combatants.

Lesson 15: The protection of wounded, sick and shipwrecked.

Lesson 16: The treatment of prisoners of war.

Lesson 17: The question of the civilian population.

Lesson 18: Methods and means of warfare.

Lesson 19: The non-international armed conflicts.

Lesson 20: The protection of the environment.

Lesson 21: The protection of cultural property.

Lesson 22: The ad hoc international tribunals and the International Criminal Court.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

It will appear in the Virtual Classroom.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


BB Constitución española : (texto y contexto) / edición preparada por Luis Martín Rebollo . - 1ª ed. Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Aranzadi, 2012
BB Curso de derecho de la Unión Europea / Joaquín Alcaide Fernández, Rafael Casado Raigón [coord.] . - 2ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2014
BB Derecho internacional humanitario / José Luis Rodríguez-Villasane y Prieto (Coord.) . - [2ª ed.] Valencia : Tirant lo blanch, 2007
BB Díez de Velasco Vallejo, Manuel. Instituciones de Derecho Internacional público / Manuel Díez de Velasco Vallejo . - Madrid : Tecnos, 2010
BB Elementos de Derecho constitucional español / Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez (coord.), Jorge Alguacil González- Aurioles ... [et al.] Madrid [etc.] : Marcial Pons, 2014
BB Fernández Flores y De Funes, J.L. El Derecho de los Conflictos Armados, Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, 2001
BB Fernández Ramos, Severiano y Gamero Casado, Eduardo . Derecho Administrativo para estudios no jurídicos : Adaptado al EEES. - 3ª Madrid: Tecnos, 2014
BB Gómez Martínez, R. Derechos Fundamentales y Condición Militar. Madrid: Civitas, 2010
BB González Trevijano, Pedro José. El estado autonómico español / Pedro José González Trevijano, Cayetano Núñez Rivero, Juan Manuel Goig Martínez Madrid : Dykinson, [2014]
BB Introduccion a la teoría del derecho / Javier de Lucas (editor) ; María José Añón...[et al.] . - 3a. ed. Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 1997
BB Lecciones de Derecho Administrativo con ejemplos / Recuerda Girela, Miguel Ángel (dir.) . - 1ª ed Madrid: Tecnos, 2014
BB Lecciones de derecho constitucional / Mª Isabel Álvarez Vélez (coord.) ; autores, Mª Fuencisla Alcón Yustas ... [et. al.] . - 4ª ed. Valencia : Tirant lo blanch, 2014
BB Manual de derecho constitucional. Vol. I, Constitución y fuentes del Derecho, Derecho constitucional europeo, Tribunal Constitucional, Estado autonómico / Francisco Balaguer Callejón (coordinador) ; Gregorio Cámara Villar ... [et al.]. - 7ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2012
BB Manual de derecho constitucional. Vol. II, Derechos y libertades fundamentales, deberes constitucionales y principios rectores, instituciones y órganos constitucionales / Francisco Balaguer Callejón (coordinador) ; Gregorio Cámara Villar ... [et al.]. - 7ª ed. Madrid : Tecnos, 2012
BB Pérez de Francisco, Eugenio. Lecciones de derecho humanitario bélico / Eugenio Pérez de Francisco. Madrid : Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2003
  Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales - []
  Códigos Electrónicos gratuitos editados por el Boletín Oficial del Estado. - []
  Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos - []
  Materiales legislativos y doctrinales realizados y recopilados por el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja sobre el DICA (en inglés). - []
  Portal del Congreso de los Diputados dedicado a la Constitución Española. - []
  Real Instituto Elcano - []
  Serie documental de RTVE dedicada a la Transición Española. - []